To take part in intake night you must contact us Email fixit@iimetro.com.au
Training is provided at 4 levels from Beginners to Trialling.


Intake. Tuesday night
This is a lecture Commences at 7.00pm please arrive at 6.30pm
You need to register for a place see email above
This is an information session when you will be given an overiew of the
training, some training tips to get you started, information about how the
training works

Commences at 6.45pm
Basics of getting your dogs attention.
How to teach exercises How to live
with your dog as pack leader and basic commands sit heel stand drop and recall.

Class 1

Commences 6.45pm every Monday night.
Progresses to automatic sit on halt change of pace, sit, down and stays,stand for examination.

Class 2

6:45pm every Monday night.

Progresses to ,
Increased time and distance stays, dog to be working with handler and paying
attention most of the time, able to do stand for examination on lead recall

Class 3

8.00pm every Monday night.

Start working off lead for stays recalls
And some heel work

Trialing Class

8.00pm every Monday night.

For people who want to trial

Trick Training

Commences 8:00pm every Monday night
Training for new Trick Trial Competitions


Training is provided every Tuesday and Wednesday night.From Foundation to competition.

Classes Commences 6:30pm Tuesday or Wednesday night.

Foundation Email us for the next start date
Foundation is for beginners this class provides the essential grounding for future agility
exercises and introduces a number of core behaviours that are essential for
safe and effective agility handling. Need to be equivalent to Class 2 Obedience

Equipment Class

For Foundation Class graduates – this class leads on from basic skills and
introduces the core obstacles in a controlled environment.

Pre Trial class

Following on from equipment, handlers build and navigate basic courses to
beginning get to trialing level.

Trialing Class
Practice and hone handling skill for competing. While improving overall performance by dogs and handlers working on any problems that pop up

Website by DogWebs Premium
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